Sunday, November 7, 2010

Fall Back...into Hell...

The seasons they are a-changing. I LOVE this time of year....the falling back, the cooler weather, warm slippers, long pj's on tiny humans, sweaters, hot chocolate, football, fires, no hurricanes, pumpkins, turkeys, mommy wanting to drink because her child has lost his ever loving mind....

er what?

Yes, perhaps you mommies of children with Autism or other special needs are aware of this phenomenon. I do NOT have any data to back this up, but my son's therapists have told me he's not unique that when the weather changes, seasons change or even if a bad storm is approaching, their children on the spectrum go NUTS.  Children who were making fine progress may regress, others may have rampant mood swings, others may stim a lot more than before, and overall it just drives parents/therapists/the poor old lady at walmart INSANE.

Eli has taken the rampant mood swing route. If I did not know he was a nearly 3 yr old boy, I'd swear he was PMS'ing. We LITERALLY had this exchange this morning...

"HI MOMMY!" (happy as can be)
"Hi Eli!" (returning happiness)
"I...want...jerky" (fruit strips from target)
"Okay buddy!"

Mommy gets out jerky, unwraps it, hands it to Eli..

Commence meltdown of Chernobyl proportions. I take jerky away. Screams. I give back. Screams.

Socks on. Screams.
Socks off. Screams.
Needs Diaper changed. Screams.
Clean diaper on..Screams.

God bless naps and daddy being home on Sunday...

Let's just pray he adjusts to the temp/season changes soon...we're stuck home ALL DAY tomorrow awaiting a UPS package I have to sign for. Oh the suspense...



Live, Love, Laugh, Write! said...

Yowsa! That sounds like a FUN time (j/k)

My body does that to me. Not that I'm autistic by any means, but any time there's a major weather change I get a bad asthma attack, migraine, or both. And my bones hurt...

Michigan Milk Momma said...

Oh so familiar! My son is also autistic and in tune with the approaching storms and somehow aware of approaching times of the day even though he is unable to read a clock. For us his random screaming is more of a dozen times a week happening instead of a daily habit. He screams daily when overly tired or has a belly ache(hungry)but those triggers are readable and/or decipherable. I love reading your blog as it provides a kindered spirit for me, another momma right on the edge of the crazy abyss.

Amy said...

aww thank you! That does actually help me because many times I wonder, WHY do I do this blogging thing? Is anyone really reading it?? I'm glad it helps to know you're not alone, bc trust me, you aren't!

Patty said...

Oh, Amy, Stephen had an awful week with the time change. Yes, WEEK! He was in a foul mood on Saturday anyways, and then with everything on Sunday, and then he fell down a few stairs and hit his head on Monday... it's been a BAD week here. You have my complete sympathy!!


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