:) So I'm getting around to uploading some nifty pics...unfortunately no real sewing has been done as of late, but I could NOT contain myself and I did take pics of recent fabric arrivals and some buttons I HAD to make just to get some craftiness out...
My Thank you card business card holders I did a couple of weeks ago. They are not NEARLY as awesome as my bud PocketfulofSunshine, but they'll do until I can get more from her!
Fabric Love Commence:
I cannot wait to use these..the awesome birdbath print, The Saggy Elephant cotton and Michael Miller Zoo!

"Be a Man" cotton, Birds, Retro Toys, and this super cute Bunny cotton
They're not even photographed or listed. Some may be badge reels, some may be magnets, pushpins, etc. I couldn't stop myself.... I had to do them...

And some yo yo's and more buttons...
Thanks for taking a peek, I thought I'd share what little I've been doing. I'm so out of whack with the full time job, I have no idea how often I'll be able to sew. Sewing Sundays I guess! :)
Soooo what's new with you?
Luv your new fabs Amy! My hat is off to you girlfriend, for fitting as much in as you do! Carry on!
Cindy AKA Sew AKA Adopted Mom
drool. Need I say more?
my keyboard is now wet - thank you :P
Hi I'm trying to find your email address but I can't find it. I talked with my boss about you Your sons point of view and Mom here now and she did ask to see them and I said I had to make sure it was OK with you to use them. my email address is auntiesherry@hotmail.com I'm not sure if or what we can do with them. I can let you know when we decide. But I was so touched with them both I would love to share them with others. Thansk again.
What fun! And I gotta say - I chucked at the buttons, buttons and MORE BUTTONs! Believe me when I say that I get caught in similar jags! :D
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