Baby, it's cold outside! Well, it's cold for Louisiana anyway as I type this...of course when it goes to publish it could be 80 outside...
Anyhoo, I digress...How's about a freebie for the deal of the week???
Since it's so cold most places, and I am loving learning how to crochet, how about a nifty handmade scarf made by yours truly?
It will be made to order and I will give you some color choices (pretty much everything, because I apparently already hoard yarn as I do fabric...) Now, keep in mind, I'm still learning so I basically know two scarf patterns: a ruffle scarf for the ladies, or a traditional long scarf for anyone :)
But if I can say so myself, I think I'm learning quite well and fast and hey, can you beat a free scarf?? (That's a rhetorical question, please don't literally abuse handmade scarves...that's just mean, yarn never hurt anyone..)
Soooo, enter your comment here with a WAY TO CONTACT YOU! (email, facebook, etsy, something! I can't send you a scarf if you disappear into comment land!)
You have one week to get your comments in and then I'll randomly pick a winner by who my dog sniffs on the screen, or something more professional....
Answer me this in your comment:
What is your FAVORITE thing about fall/winter??
Adding some pics of my handiwork, lest you not trust me to make a purdy scarf...