
Friday, January 2, 2015

What I Made--December 2014

December was a busy creating month! Early on in the month I sprained my ankle pretty severely and was left to do little else than rest it. I spent much of my recovery crocheting and knitting. Here is some of what I accomplished :)

Finally finished a cowl for my beautiful friend Jessa after a YEAR! Now to get it to her.

I didn't snap a finished pic of this but I made a hooded cowl for a friend who moved away in 2014. Hopefully it keeps her warm and bright!

Made my son a Stampy hat. If your kid likes Minecraft or Terraria you probably know who Stampy is. It was my first real attempt at duplicate knitting. Not something I'll do often!

Made this TARDIS beanie for a sweet girl who shaved her head for her sister who passed away. 

I've got a few more things on the hooks and needles and I'm still finishing up the Crochet Mood Blanket won't be done for a bit as I need to edge it still and it's slow going!

What did you make in December?

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