
Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Years Resolutions? Nah. Acceptance.

I don't do New Years Resolutions. Mostly because I don't really "do" New new year starts in the spring with the Passover and spring Holy Days, but I recognize the calendar for what it is, a time keeper. (Wish it came with a Time Lord, but that is just me watching too much Doctor Who....)

Anyhoo, I DO have goals! This is our first full year of homeschooling and while it's going well, it could be better. I have been keeping up with work on the Homeschool Helper app for the ipad but I admit I'm an old school paper and pencil kinda girl. So I think it's time to get down to business the old fashioned way.

Things are not super cohesive. I admit, I'm not using my time the best. I would rather read, crochet, cuddle with my boys or sleep with the dog than do most any chore. But alas, that is not my lot in life, to be lazy. There are days for that and a time for that, but most days, we need to be up and doing, being productive and using the gifts God gave us. But I'm a slacker at heart, so I need some motivation.

I found this free printable planner and it looks great. Just want I need to remind myself to get things GOING and not fart around all day! So this will mean limiting my online time including the great time suck that is Facebook.

I do want to have some small mini goals each month, because although I know I need to adjust some things, the problem we face is often too hard, unrealistic or just overachieving goals. Usually the things we need to adjust are things we don't want to DO so how can we achieve a goal if we are already dreading it?? So for me, simplicity is key. Something doable, and yet something I don't already do (or don't do enough of) to feel accomplished.

Trickery is the key!

January's Goal: Eat two fruits/Veggies a day and drink three glasses of water.

Sounds pathetic, eh? Yeah well, I don't do it enough. I don't eat enough fruits or veggies and I definitely don't drink enough water. So this is my check in, my requirement! I'll even add it to my little planner! And probably a reminder on the iPad...and iPod...and email reminder....and maybe text message...

I'm just a tad forgetful....

I'll keep you updated on my little goal here!


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