
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Butterflies are grown!

We studied some butterflies earlier this summer. We didn't do a full on study as we will do Insects in September when we start back up to school. But I couldn't resist a deal on a butterfly garden net we found and we loved it.  You can reorder more caterpillars when your first batch goes free so I think we will do that again in September.
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Get your own butterfly garden here:

I was a little worried the little guys wouldn't make it at first because it was SO hot when they arrived.

But they did, crawling all around the cup.

We followed the directions, watched them turn into their cocoons, and when it was time, moved them into their habitat and watched them grow into little butterflies fluttering around! The boys got a big kick out of it and I plan to buy more caterpillars so we can do it again!

I encourage every family to give this one a try, it's super fun and easy!

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