
Monday, May 20, 2013

How Does Your Garden Grow?

I've had a black thumb for my entire life. I think I even killed bamboo at one point....that is pretty remarkable. I did manage to grow a few limes a couple of years ago but I didn't maintain it over winter so it died a slow death as well.

But they did grow, so I decided to give a veggie garden a try. Several friends have suggested the book "Square Foot Gardening" and I gave it a read. It was a really good book and very helpful. Between the book and the advice of friends with much greener thumbs, I gave it a go. And it's been rather fun, educational and a great experience, showing the kids where real food comes from!

 Look it that little tiny bell pepper!
 Grow tomatoes grow!

It's a meager little garden, but it's a start!!! :) I can't wait until the tomatoes are big enough for the kids the just pluck off the vine and eat!

Are you growing anything this spring?


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