
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Enjoying May....

This month has been busy already, and it's only two weeks in! The boy and I are having a good time homeschooling, despite the expected complaints about some of the work that needs to be done. We have about ten days left before our summer vacation starts, and we're having fun!

We went on down to the zoo on an unseasonably cool day. 

 Cheesing with a fake snake!

 We wrote a list of all the animals they wanted to see, he was checking the list.

 "Digging" in the archeology section.

 It's always good to see the rainbow, a promise of God's love.

 Cruising through puddles on the bike.

After a scary storm, a beautiful sunset illuminates on the clouds. We like to take time to enjoy the beauty God has given.

So, it's been a beautiful couple of weeks in May, and I'm looking forward to our upcoming summer. 


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