
Friday, January 18, 2013

Resting Up

So today was my first week being "free" from the temp job....Well I suppose I'll be rebooting my routine next week because I spent the week at meetings, running errands with my dad and a doctor trip to find out I had strep again. So it's Friday, here I am's orders!! So what shall I do? Blog, edit pics and crochet while catching up on Netflix!

But come next week I want to attack my schedule. I have tried to work out times to clean, blog, work, exercise. I will be limiting my Facebook and online work to certain times. I'm sure I'll get sucked in (damn you Pinterest...) but I'll do my best not to!

I like routines, schedules, lists. I also like knowing I'm not BOUND to them....I'm not a fan of deadlines, but do well with structure and a routine.

And since we will be again listing our home for sale, I'm going to need those routines to keep the house clean and up to par for best one can with two kids, a messy husband, a dog and two guinea pigs....I need more wine.

So, I shall sit on my behind today, crochet and netflix the day away and rest up for my busy week next week, which still includes a day off of school for the boys, a field trip and doctor's appointment for E, and bringing H's guinea pig to school for show and tell! PHEW. I'm tired already. For now, yarn and coffee.

Later taters!

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