
Monday, May 21, 2012

Pinterst Planned Summer

You all know I'm addicted to Pinterest. Well since summer is coming up I am hoping to do some fun things I've found on Pinterest. Since I'm also currently selling my home, I have to pick through things that will be quick and easy to clean up should I get that phone call that says, "someone wants to look at the house, we'll be there in 30!"

So here's what's possibly on the agenda. Note the POSSIBLY.


*Glow sticks in the bathtub

*Balloon tennis

*Plastic sheet cover your homework sheets=dry erase.

*Make an obstacle coarse with crape paper streamers. They crawl and step over all of it while trying not to touch the streamers.

*Go Dollar Store shopping. Give them each 5 bucks and they're in heaven.

*Tear drop volcanoes. Put baking soda on a tray. Fill paper cups with vinegar and food color. Use a dropper to create fizzy foam!

~~~~~~From my head~~~~

*Join the summer library reading program.

*Go swimming.

*Have Pajama Day, complete with blankets, pillows, a movie.

*Have a lemonade and freezie pop stand.

*Discounted movie trips

*Visit the little local beaches on the lake.

*Sculpt with air dry clay

*Make rainbows and suns from paper plates and tissue paper (or crepe paper)

*Visit Culinary Kids

* Eat LOTS of snowballs!

~~~~~From Various Pins and Blogs~~~~

*Cup Race.

*Use pool noodles to hit blown up balloons.

*Nerf Gun Shooting Range

*Craft sticks and vecro for making letters and shapes.

*Tin Foil River


I've already gotten a little Google calender almost filled out through July! I'm looking forward to having some fun with my boys. Since not one person has looked at our home since it's been on market, I'm not sweating it. We're going to have fun, enjoy the summer and they'll have to realize little people live here!!!

Happy Summer!!~~Amy

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