
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Team Update

Handmade's my baby. It was founded in April 2009 by myself and two other artisans who were from a former Etsy La based team that fizzled out. Although a majority of our team members sell on, we were adament that members need not sell on Etsy to be a part of the team. Although I do continue to run one shop on Etsy, I quickly learned there are more venues than Etsy to be a part of and one should never put all their eggs in one basket! We wanted our team to be open to anyone who created handmade who was in or from Louisiana, even if they didn't sell their creations.

So, here we are! Still chugging along on our blog and with an Etsy Team . We've all been quite busy lately, so we've not had as much time to devote to the team as we'd like, but that's a good thing! That means our shops are doing well, and our lives are full!

The Craft a Long Challenge will be back in November. Watch for it on the blog at

Artists of the Month should be continuing as well as our Team Picks! :) Thanks for all the support over the years!


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