If I learned anything from my girl, disconnected experiment, it's that I stink at time management. I actually do manage to cram quite a bit of stuff into my days. I never missed deadline or projects when I was working. And currently, I do manage to get all my shop orders out, keep the house from exploding and everyone fed, clothed and somewhat happy.
But I still feel majorly stressed. I've tried a variety of schedules. It's hard to have ANY schedule in the summer when my boys are out of school, but what about the school year? I have YET to stumble upon one that works for me. The same thing every day? Or do I chose a "day schedule" like, monday is cleaning, tuesday is shop stuff, etc. Or do I go with the flow and do what works best in the time I have??
I know this much...sites like cozi.com, sparkpeople.com, etc don't work for me. It feels like such effort to get so streamlined and organized. I prefer a plain ol' notebook and written to do lists.
So maybe you guys can help me sort out my brain. Here are, on average some of the things I need to do in any given day or week:
Grocery shop/Plan Menus
Create/List/Network/Package/Ship/Manage all things for my business
Tend to the dog (usual pet chores, walking, pick up poop, etc)
Tend to the kids (usual kid chores, walking, pick up poop...oh wait.....)
Bible study
Reading (for fun...it is possible)
Writing (blogs and fiction)
Cook daily dinners and bi-weekly potluck food for church
Photograph (creative and handmade)
Friends/Social Networking/Calling Friends
Running errands with Dad
Then there is the little things, the tv watching, driving in car for errands, taking the boys on fun trips, etc.And of course all the little things you do every day you don't even calculate...eating, showering, etc.
HOW do you possibly schedule all that? I'm contemplating just flat out spending a few weeks just letting things go with the flow, not TRYING to schedule anything....but will it backfire? It simply has to be possible to schedule it all in...somehow...
There are times when 'go with the flow' is the way to go. I do that every now & then. I started using flylady years ago to help me get orangized. She walks you through... baby steps... and helps you get your house decluttered & organized. But be prepared, if you want results, as with ANYTHING, you will need to put in a little effort. Once it's all up & running, for me at least, I can run on autopilot. Also, the biggest thing I learned from the site is getting & actually using a calendar! (I use outlook now.) On my blog I did a journey with Flylady a while ago, just look for the Flylady tags, that might help to get you started too. Good luck!