
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Real Housewives of New Orleans....

In my traditional fashion....I've taken on another project. Nooooo, not me, who wishes there were another 24 hours in the day!! :)

I've added another blog to my resume' and I'd love it you'd check it out! I decided I really wanted to get back to my creative writing days and threw the idea out there to some creative local ladies and Real Housewives of NOLA was born!!

The blog is about REAL real housewives in and around New Orleans, LA. Our ups, downs, joys, pains, local life, kids, men, etc.
You can check us out at Besides myself, the blog is written by theses lovely ladies: Celeste of MetryChick, Jessa of Little Pearl Quilts, Tedra of HerbN'Developement, and Cara of Cara Jouglard Photography.
I hope you'll hop over and check us out. We also have a Facebook Page and a Twitter that you can stay up to date with!

I will be writing about more personal things, (not that I keep much from you people!!) and will occasionally cross post here.

Thanks so much for checking us out!!

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