
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Comment Game Time!!

Hey gang! Inspired by my fellow handmade artisans Two Kazoos and Kiwi and Kiki (and probably more I can't think of...) I'm going to host a comment game on my facebook page this Sunday at 8pm Central time. I haven't decided exactly WHAT I'm going to put up for sale, but it will be quite possibly things not listed on my sites and they WILL be on sale! You can look for items roughly 10-25% off my regular price in the shops!

How it works:
*You must be a fan of my page to see the items. "Like" me at

*I will create a "comment game album" and post pictures of the items for sale. The details will be below each picture.

*The first person to comment with their paypal address that they want the item will get the item!

*By leaving your email you are AGREEING to make payment on the item. I will send an invoice after the game is over and once invoices are sent and paid, I will delete your email from my comments for security purposes.

*Happy Shopping! See you then!!

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