
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snowed In?

Are you snowed in? Thankfully I'm not, but I live in southern Louisiana, so if I was...well....I think that'd be national news!!

The kids have been sick with the crud, so the littlest one is home from school today (which has been going well by the way, he LOVES school!!) and mommy is just trying to clean, stay on top of things, and get a little time to create!!

Thought I'd take a minute to share a new design of mine...I decided to hand stitch over some fabric for my badge reels...give it a little unique-ness that my other reels don't have. This was a fun way to chill in front of the television..hand stitching the little birdies :)

Available in my Etsy shop, will hopefully be adding more soon as well as to my Artfire shop! :)

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