
Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Just because I can....
blogging on 1/1/11....

so some of my fave firsts in life...

  • First time I kissed the man who would become my husband.

  • First time my best friend made me laugh so hard I almost (or did) pee....there were many more times!

  • First time my dad let me know he was proud of me.

  • First time I rode a horse.

  • First time I knew I realized I could stand behind my beliefs and support, defend, explain them.

  • First time I saw those two lines on a pregnancy test!

  • First time I ate a REALLY good steak.

  • First time I held each of my sons.

  • First A in college.

  • First time I really felt like I knew I could handle this mom thing.

  • First time I sewed a zipper.

  • First time Eli held a spoon and fed himself.

  • First time I realized the little things are both incredibly important, and incredibly NOT important....what really matters is your perspective and how YOU handle things. 

Obviously these are in on particular order....just how they popped into my head :)
What are your fave firsts?

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