
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I am Thankful.....

  • For healthy children and family
  • For a place to rest my head
  • For a husband who loves me despite my flaws.
  • For a faith so strong that I am comforted even when one thinks I should be lost.
  • For a country that can and will fight it's way back to being what it once was.
  • For the freedom of speech and creativity to do what we love and what we are talented at.
  • For the ability to make my own decisions...if they are wrong, then it's on me.
  • For the smell of coffee brewing...bonus points if it's accompanied by the smell of gluten free cake baking.
  • For Black Fridays Sales---from the comfort of my PJS! (Buy Handmade!!)
  • For my friends near and far, even those I've never met who make life a little easier each day.
  • For the smell of a baby after a bath
  • For a pile of uncut's just so pretty.
  • For America and those who hold it dear.

May you have a safe, happy, healthy and thankFULL thanksgiving!!!


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