Okay, so many of you are probably like me...multiple venues, heck, maybe multiple SHOPS on multiple venues.
Well, then perhaps you need to be re-enlightened in the beauty of byhand.me
Do you really get this....think about it...you have SEVERAL URLs...blogs...twitters, etc....
Why cram all that on one business card?
Next time you make business cards, widgets, ads, etc...why not direct your traffic to your byhand.me url?
Or direct them to your 'main' shop (wherever it may be) and then say "find ALL of the great ways you can shop with me by visiting www.yoururl.byhand.me"???
I mean, really, the byhand.me creators are genius!! Seriously, why didn't I think of this? I've been on bhm for 2 months now and love it!!
It is about that time for me to get new biz cards and you can BET that's what I'll be doing!!
So think about it...
how much easier would it be to just put this on your cards?
I just joined them this morning!!!
Now I just need to figure out how to use it :P
I've joined... now, just figuring out how to use it also! lol!