
Monday, April 27, 2009

Are You a Blockhead? Want to show the world?

Do you love Blockhead Radio as much as I do? Well, here is your chance to show the world! Mama Possum here is running her own little contest! In case you haven't already, be sure you check out The Biggest Stalker and start earning your stalker points.

In the meantime, I have a challenge for you! I want you to email me in 250 words or less WHY you love Blockhead Radio! In return for your loyalty, I will award the top 5 answers (chosen by an unbiased, non-BHR related person) with 100 BHR business cards for you to share with the world! Include them in your orders, hand them out in the street, just get the word out! And make sure you let us KNOW where you share the cards so you can earn your Stalker Points!! Please include your mailing address in your email so I can send them out immediately to the winners! :) Winners will also have an ad run on my blog for one week each!

Want to see the super cool cards?

And because they are blank on the back, you can easily add your own stamp, sticker, note, etc, promoting your own shop! :)

Want your own premium business cards? There is a great sale on now at Vista!

SO Get those emails into mama@blockheadradio! You have until May 15th to complete your mission!



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