
Saturday, February 21, 2009

Personal Rant.....

Okay. I do not usually do such posts but this reaaaaly ticks me off. We need LESS government, not MORE! Anyone who reads the bible know such things will happen but this REALLY ticks me off. Government again trying to say what is right for me and my family as if I am too STUPID to know it?


  1. ban youngsters from facing the death penalty

    Oh come on Amy... Youngsters should always be threatened by the death penalty....

    but seriously... what a CROCK OF CRAP!

    If Emma wanted a car at 16, and I didn't want her to have one... she could get the gov't to tell me I had to?

    WHAT? This is just crap! Crap I say!

  2. lol yeah i told my friend about this and she said, "Ok so I won't let my son paint his room black or something at 16? So he sues me to make me do it? Ummmm HELLO who pays for the laywer?" lol

    hope i dont have to go move in with the amish one day...i really like my electricity....
