
Monday, November 3, 2008

It's All About the Print

So Im a bad Etsy shopper..I bought these super cool pendants a couple of months ago and keep meaning to blog about it but life just gets int he way!! (

Anyway! I got buy two, get one free scrabble tile pendants from
I don't know WHO came up with the idea but its genius, adorable and so freakin cooL! :)
Look how cute!

There are SO many I'd love to get!! I'd probably buy them all if I could and had that many necks!

I love this one!

And many more! If you are interested in a super cute gift this season..check out her shop here!


  1. Those are awesome. I'm checking them out. Thanks

  2. They are alot of fun to make, too...I make them and have some in my shop...I gotta get off my butt and add more into it, LOL. Those are very pretty BTW.
