Angie's Crafts!
Again, I apologize for my not doing this sooner! I tell you, I really do not know where my time goes! I had no idea Etsy shops would eat up so much time online--not even counting the creating time!
Without further ado...before the baby wakes up....
I had a few questions for Angie!
Where can we find your awesome work? http://www.angiescrafts.etsy.com
What do you sell? A variety of items such as, jewelry, scrapbook items, and glycerin soaps.
What is your FAVORITE item you make: Hmmm.....that's hard to say! I like so many different things that's why my shop has such a variety!
How and why did you get started on Etsy: How? I don't really member how I found out about Etsy to be honest! Why? I figured I'd try to start selling the things I like to make so everyone else could enjoy them as much as I do!
Do you have any advice for an Etsy Newbie: Hmmm.....I'd have to say just stick with it and don't give up especially if you're not selling a lot. It takes time and a lot of promoting!
Let's go shopping! What's on your wish list, as a buyer and a seller?: As a seller, to sell more! LOL As a buyer, to buy some Christmas presents soon!
Tell us a little about your non etsy life! (family, job, music, movies, etc) I'm a married WAHM/SAHM mom of 2 boys ages 8 & 10 1/2. I like a variety of movies & music. I enjoy dancing, scrapbooking, camping, and spending time with my family.
Where else can we find you? Cafemom page is http://www.cafemom.com/home/temptationsgirl,
Myspace is http://www.myspace.com/angiea33,
Indy Mojo is, http://www.indymojo.com/people/detailview.cfm?MMID=4070, I think that's it!
Take a look around and visit her shop! All pics will link you to the item!

Holy crap! Thanks for featuring me, this is my first time! Yayy me!
ReplyDeleteWhat a very nice feature for Angie's Crafts! I checked out her site and am going back to look around some more. Lovely!
ReplyDeleteKaren of
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