
Sunday, August 3, 2008


Hello and WELCOME to the new blog for my Etsy shops! I say 'shops' because right now I have one active one, and one empty one! You can find my active one at
The new one will have stuff slowly added to it as we get closer to November, because I am trying to streamline my shops name into everything I have! Thus, glutenfreegirl0330 doesn't really make much sense in my Monkey theme shop title! (although I am known on the web as glutenfreegirl.....there is also another fantastic blogger who was truly the original gluten freegirl, and I do NOT want her to think I'm stealing her thunder!:) Plus I like my monkey title and want it all cohesive! :) Done babbling....NOW! :)

SOOOO, if you enjoy handmade items I strongly suggest you check out my shop, and the many others on Etsy. I personally lean towards shops from my Cafemom Etsy Mom Team
Please feel free to use the tag "cafemom team" or "cafemom etsy team" when shopping at Etsy!

Support the handmade movement!! Tell Walmart to go fly a kite and buy handmade!!!!

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