
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Camping We Will Go....

Okay, so perhaps camping is a term used loosely in my home. My version of camping involves a cabin with air conditioning, heat, fully equipped kitchen, baths and nice big beds. Sure, call me a wuss, I don't care.

It is time once again for my annual pilgrimege away from home. I'll not bore you with religious details, but once per year, around fall time (dates are set by the Hebrew calendar) we leave our homes to go to an appointed place (decided by our ministers) and dwell in 'booths'. This is the Feast of Tabernacles. Times have changed, we don't actually dwell in 'booths' now, although if you wanted to you could. But the point is to leave your home for 8 days and meet with fellow brethren, and live a life that pictures what God's kingdom will be like.

Okay enough religious talk...I've probably bored you or confused the heck out of you. Google it, you're on your own.

Whilst I look forward to this trip EVERY year with avenegence (we call it "The Feast" for short), and Harrison has learned to get excited can't help but notice it is MOM who gets everything ready. Short of doing repairs on the cars and picking up the heaviest of is I who must gather, launder, pack, prep, purchase, organize and just make it all happen. (I see Tim Gunn in my head as I do this....."shoving one week's worth of toddler clothes into a tiny bag? Make it work!")

But Mommy puts on her mommy cap and gets it done. Despite not feeling her best (what mommy really gets a day off when she's fighting off a cold?) Mommy gets it done....eventually.

So, I shall likely disappear come Thursday into the vortex of packing. Thankfully things are already laundered and I only need to pack and prep our grocery list of things to buy upon our arrival. We are REALLY excited about the cabin because until this year we've always had tos tay in hotels. Now when you're a kid, hotels are FREAKING AWESOME. Not so much when you're a grown lady sharing it with a preschooler and a toddler who do NOT sleep in. So we are very, very, very happy at the prospect of the boys IN THEIR OWN ROOM. Sigh. Ahhhh. Relax with me now. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Sure they'll awake at dawn probably but after 8-9pm, they'll be in THEIR room and the hubs and I can relax, retire and enjoy each other in the quiet peace of the woods.

Woods....I probably should've read a field guide or something concerning the woods...... despite my growing up the daughter of the countriest of all country men...I am totally useless in the woods. Seriously, I'd probably be bear meat in an instant. I sure hope there are park rangers.....

My rambling point is this....I will miss you my faithful readers (and those who keep forgetting to unsubscribe and don't really want this drivel in their inbox) and my dear online friends. Come Friday afternoon at 3pmish, I am OUTTA HERE! (Please don't come rob  me though, my doggy has trouble digesting large body parts and we can't afford the vet bill.)

I want ya'll to behave yourselves, revel in the changing seasons and enjoy life!!

Because I'll be back to torment you on the 12th---and may check in on occassion when we venture to civilization...pretty sure there's no wifi in the woods.....

Peace, love and chicken grease!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Harrison

Confidential to my big boy (who will always be my baby)...
Happy Birthday! The Big 0-4!!

Love ya man!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Blast Off!

Shameless self promotion alert....

I just think this is perty darn nifty and I'm proud of it :)

Mini Rocket Ship--Mama Rocket available also!
Listed on both Etsy and Artfire, and customizations available!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Oops, been awhile..

So I fell off the blogging wagon again... Ok so it's only been 8 days but that's a long time in blog world! :) Life has been a tad busy the past week or so.

For starters, my youngest son Eli, was diagnosed with autism. Mild, but still. I was not surprised,but now I must refocus my life and work on helping him overcome this. While this is not a post to debate the ins and outs of autism, I personally do believe autism is a neurological autoimmune disease greatly affected by several factors including, genetics, vaccinations, toxins, environment and pure blind luck. I also firmly believe in the power of healing and God, and trust that I will work my tookus off to save my baby. In the one week on the gluten free diet, he's already uttered mama, which is a word I've not heard in months.

We are also going out of town for a bit in October so I need to prepare for that, and also get ready for some possible craft shows in the coming months.

My life is always mommy first, handmade artisan second, but I'll do my best to keep up!


Friday, September 11, 2009

Sisterhood of the Traveling Sock Monkeys

Some sock monkey friends and I were chatting and we decided to create our Sisterhood of the Traveling Sock Monkeys. I purchased three pairs of the same socks, sent them to my lovely friends Crystal and Rebecca and we got to sewing! Our goal was to show that although many handmade artisans can make the same thing, everyone is unique and every artisans deserves respect!
So I give you, the Sisterhood of the Traveling Sock Monkeys:
I created Thelma, a sweet older monkey who enjoys reading.
Crystal created Brenda, a beautiful dancing monkey!
And Rebecca created Rosalyn, a snow loving monkey!
Won't you give these super cute monkeys a home? The sisters are sweet monkeys, we promise. Just watch your bananas....

Thursday, September 3, 2009

40% Off Sale at Mama's Little Monkeys!???? WHAT?

YUP! I am having a "Harrison is allergic to cats and we really should replace the carpets" Sale. Also known as, "Labor Day Sale". :)

So until Sept 8th, EVERYTHING at Mama's Little Monkeys on Artfire is 40% off! Why only on Artfire? Because Artfire allows us to DO sales like this easily!! And if you followed me on Twitter, Plurk or Cafemom, You'd know about other special coupon codes for EVEN MORE off!!

So snag it now! Some items are mere 1-2 dollars!!

Through Sept 8th ONLY!